domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018



How are you? How is your weekend going?... I hope great!

Last Thursday we had the most interrupted ever class.... still, we managed to finish dealing with chpaters 1 and 2 of TBLT. And, as usual, we tried to relate the theory to the reality you, well we, encounter in classrooms.

Next class we'll start with a game to check the main concepts dealt with in chapter 3. And after that, you will start sharing the chapter summary and activity you prepared on CLIL.

Remember you have to post something in your blogs...a free post this time....

Well, see you soon!!

Resultado de imagen para have a nice week

1 comentario:

  1. you are right miss we had the most interrupted ever class but we know that everything can happen in a classroom. Anyway, it was an interesting lesson.
