domingo, 19 de mayo de 2019

Rapport above all!!

Hello my darlings!!

How are you?? How has your weekend been?...I hope great!!

Last Thursday we finished our game on chapter 3.... Here are the winners!!

Congrats!!! And don't think I don't remember I owe you!!

We had time to start dealing with chapter 5 on TBLT...for instance, we talked about the strong version of TBLT.

For next class, you have to read chapters 5 and 6 on TBLT.

Finally, remember the date for the first term test in July 4th.

Well...having kept you updated, I leave you now, wishing you an amazing week!!! And remember...

Resultado de imagen para an amazing week

5 comentarios:

  1. Thank you Miss, it was a good way of checking knowledge about the theory and also an opportunity to clarify some concepts that weren't so clear for me. I feel more confident now
