jueves, 7 de julio de 2016


Hi everyone!!

I have been informed that today we will all participate in the celebrations of our Independence Day, and will therefore not have classes.

So, except for the students who have to sit for the make up next week, we won't meet again till after the winter break. Please check the blog for any news, comments, asssignments, etc

What I would like you to do during the winter break is to follow these steps:

  • get in groups of four or five
  • create a google doc (option: presentation) making sure that all the members of the group can edit the document
  • include me in the list of people who can edit the document
  • make a presentation on SLA. Make sure to discuss the factors that play a role in the process and also to compare it to FlA. Those are the minimum contents required. If you want to inlcude more contents, you can.
Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any doubts.

domingo, 3 de julio de 2016


Hello there!!

I'm sorry it has taken me longer than usual to write about our class... it was my daughter's birthday and I was very busy!!

Now that I can turn on my computer, let me tell you that last class we started dealing with Second Language Acquisition. What we have done so far is reflect on both the similarities and differences between First and Second Language Acquisition, and start a list of all the factors that play a role in the SLA process...

For next class you have to read chapter 10 by Brown, on Theories of SLA.

Also, remember to keep your blog updated. Since we are dealing with a crucial topic of our subject, you may want to post things related to the topic (videos, articles, news or even a personal reflection based primarily on your own experience).

Please remember that on Thursday 14th July we'll have the make up of the term test. So, those of you who do not need to sit for the make up should not attend the class that day. This means that next Thursday is our last class before the winter break... please do not miss it!!!

And now... I hope you enjoy this rainy day!!