sábado, 20 de julio de 2019

Relax and enjoy the much deserved winter break!!!

Hi my dear students!!

Well...the most important thing to tell you this time is to rest and be happy!! This break is essential to not only survive the second part of the year but also profit from it...

I have been veeeery kind and have given you no homework, except for getting organized in groups of 4 or 5 for the workshops you will have to deliver and for the series of assessment tasks we will carry out in the second term....

Whatever doubts you have do not hesitate to contact me!

And if you can...keep your blogs alive during this month!!

Resultado de imagen para happy winter break

lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Test, make up and homework

Hi there!!

How are you?... I am here...correcting term tests....

So just  a couple of things:

  • Date of the make up: August 29th
  • Homework for Thursday: Read chapter 10 by Douglas Brown: Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Well...I'll get back to correcting now...

Resultado de imagen para see you soon

lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Just to let you know...

Hello my dears!!!

Just a couple of words to let you know that I'm here if there is anything you need before Thursday....

I hope you are enjoying the long weekend....and, also, I wanted to share a video.....I found it moving...then let me know what you think...

Resultado de imagen para the greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph