lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

Sorry for the delay

Hi there!!

First of all, let me apologize for not having kept you posted in the last two internet connection was working poorly and I have been busier than usual (work and mum stuff).

Second, I wanted to let you know that on Thursday, after the term test you will be free to go... I think the test might take two hours and you will be tired afterwards... we will continue with our discussion of FLA on July 5th.

Well, that's all for now...

Resultado de imagen para keep calm and keep studying

jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

For next week...

Hi there!!

We've just had a class... with your presentations on the chapters on CLIL.

Next class we'll start with the presentation of group 5, and then we'll dive into First Language Acquisition.

So, for next class you must:

  • make sure you have at least four entries in your blog (the introduction, something about the Four Methods and two free entries)
  • Read chapter 3 by Cook on First Language Acquisition
  • Write (to hand in) some feedback on the four mini presentations delivered so far: general feedback, not about each group. The idea is to start thinking about the presentations you will have to deliver in the second part of the think about the things you liked and about suggestions you may have.

Well, I'm here in case you need me! Take care and...

Resultado de imagen para have a great week