sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018

About Thursday

Hi there!!!

I talked to Moni yesterday and she said we can use one of the upstairs classrooms....soooo... we can have our last class on Thursday!!!

I'm really looking forward to seeing you!!

Resultado de imagen para you are almost there

Sharing the rest of the feedback...


Here I send the link of the feedback presentations....

feedback on teaching reading

feedback on teaching listening 1

feedback on teaching listening 2

feedback on teaching listening 3

feedback on teaching speaking 1

feedback on teaching speaking 2

Have fun reading!! All the presentations make interesting points!!

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018


Hi there!!

As you probably know, the building where we usually have classes will be closed on Thursday. As we have our term test, I asked the secretary of the Institute, and she said we can use a classroom in the main building. So, we are meeting in school number 2 on Thursday for our term test.

Soon I will post the links to the rest of the feedback... but I wanted to tell you about the Thursday issue as soon as possible.

Resultado de imagen para have an amazing week