domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Finding out about dyslexia

Yesterday we started finding out about ADHD. Another problem that is more common than one tends to think is dyslexia. 

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke gives the following definition for dyslexia:

"Dyslexia is a brain-based type of learning disability that specifically impairs a person's ability to read. These individuals typically read at levels significantly lower than expected despite having normal intelligence. Although the disorder varies from person to person, common characteristics among people with dyslexia are difficulty with spelling, phonological processing (the manipulation of sounds), and/or rapid visual-verbal responding." 

If you share the interest for this disorder, watch this video to find out more about it...

Also, take a look at this picture, comparing a nonimpaired brain with a dyslexic one...

For more information click here

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Let's find out more about ADHD

As teachers, as parents, as friends, as humans, it is useful to try to understand this condition better...

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

Great news...

I'm very happy and proud to share my students' blogs... As the above picture says, it is safe to say that the students have surpassed the teacher... well done!

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

How to face life...

In the same way in which there are people who are negative, and who like to complain about everything, there are people who spread joy and energy... Which would you like to be?...

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

English Spelling...

Ghoti is a constructed word used to illustrate irregularities in English spelling. It is a respelling of the word fishi.e., it is supposed to be pronounced /ˈfɪʃ/. It comprises these phonemes:
An early known published reference is in 1874, citing an 1855 letter that credits ghoti to one William Ollier Jr (born 1824). Ghoti is often cited to support the English spelling reform, and is often attributed to George Bernard Shaw, a supporter of this cause. However, the word does not appear in Shaw's writings, and a biography of Shaw attributes it instead to an anonymous spelling reformer. Similar constructed words exist that demonstrate English idiosyncrasies, but ghoti is the most widely recognized. Linguists have pointed out that the location of the letters in the constructed word is inconsistent with how those letters would be pronounced in those placements, and that the expected pronunciation in English would be "goaty". For instance, the letters "gh" cannot be pronounced /f/ at the beginning of a syllable, and the letters "ti" cannot be pronounced /ʃ/ at the end of a syllable

Happy Day!!

For all those in the teaching profession... Enjoy your day!!

Only those of us who have ever taught are trully aware of everything that is implied in the teaching job.... All that is invisible behind what is visible.... So, for all that effort, time, energy, sacrifice, patience....

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

The importance of reading....

Let's all try to share with those around us the immense pleasure of reading!!


Parents, teachers and anyone who is in contact with children is welcome to reflect on the following....

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013


It has happened to all of us: things are going great in a class when suddenly an unexpected event jeopardizes the success of our lesson... What should we do?

The answer, of course, is to adapt to what has happened... We have to use our intuition, resort to our previous experiences and "pull a bunny out of a hat"...

But that's ok, is it not? That is an important part of what teaching is all about! So let's enjoy it!

This article appeared in The Telegraph... What do you think?

Translation table explaining the truth behind British politeness becomes internet hit

The British trait of being too polite to speak one's mind has led to a table translating numerous hollow English phrases becoming an internet hit.

Rushing to get to the church on time: Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a Funeral - I see myself as the Hugh Grant character in Four Weddings and a Funeral
Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a Funeral is the epitome of British politeness Photo: REX FEATURES
The table sheds light on just how difficult it can be for a foreigner to understand what the British really mean when they're speaking – especially for those take every word at face value.
Phrases that prove the trickiest to decipher include 'you must come for dinner', which foreigners tend to take as a direct invitation, but is actually said out of politeness by many Britons and often does not result in an invite.
The table also reveals that when a person from Britain begins a sentence "with the greatest respect ...', they actually mean 'I think you are an idiot'.
I hear what you say I disagree and do not want to discuss it further He accepts my point of view 
With the greatest respect You are an idiot He is listening to me 
That's not bad That's good That's poor 
That is a very brave proposal You are insane He thinks I have courage 
Quite good A bit disappointing Quite good 
I would suggest Do it or be prepared to justify yourself Think about the idea, but do what you like 
Oh, incidentally/ by the way The primary purpose of our discussion is That is not very important 
I was a bit disappointed that I am annoyed that It doesn't really matter 
Very interesting That is clearly nonsense They are impressed 
I'll bear it in mind I've forgotten it already They will probably do it
I'm sure it's my fault It's your fault Why do they think it was their fault? 
You must come for dinner It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite I will get an invitation soon 
I almost agree I don't agree at all He's not far from agreement 
I only have a few minor comments Please rewrite completely He has found a few typos 
Could we consider some other options I don't like your idea They have not yet decided 
The table points out that when Britons say 'I'm sure it's my fault', it actually means 'it's your fault'.


As the famous phrase "Food for the Soul" suggests, it can be very enriching to dwell on some thoughts.... Let's share...

Welcome to English, English!!

The purpose of this blog is to share anything related to English that may be of interest for people who are learning English, or who are teaching English or who simply like English….

If you are within any of those groups, we expect your visits, comments, suggestions and contributions!