sábado, 15 de julio de 2017

Happy Winter Break!!

Hi my dear 4th year!!

How are you? Starting to enjoy the Winter Break?  (And those of you who have to sit for finals starting to go through your stages?)

Let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy classes with you... you are a very special group!!

Well, on Thurdsay we organized groups and presentations for the second part of the year. I explained what I expect from these presentations and we agreed that "Workshops" is a more accurate word to describe it.

You still owe me the groups for the assessment project.

I did not ask for any homework for the Winter Break because I know you need both to study and to rest. Still, if you want to post things in your blogs, it will be my pleasure to read them.

Resultado de imagen para enjoy the winter break

lunes, 10 de julio de 2017

Blog time!!

Hi there!!

I have just finished checking all your blogs!!! I feel extremely happy because I have found brilliant material shared. I also see that many of you are getting into the healthy and enriching habit of checking one another's blogs.

I want to thank you all for sharing so generously... I feel we are all learning a lot, making ubiquitous learning our reality (which is one of the main advantages of embracing the new technologies).

One suggestion: pay a bit more attention to grammar/spelling/typing.... I have found many language mistakes in the blogs ( I will prepare special feedback on that for after the winter break).

Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen para keep up the good work

jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

Needs Assessment


How are you on this rainy evening?? I'm guessing many of you felt really cozy at home and decided to stay that way... And since about half the students were absent, today we didn't do any grouping activity... you chose who to work with.

During the class you worked on a questionnaire on chapter 4 about Needs Assessment. During the last part of the class we shared some of the answers and personal appreciations on the topic. Next class we will continue working on this.

Homework for next class:

  • prepare (individually or in small groups; you can choose) a tool to get information on your students' needs and interests. (use the examples from the "practice" section of the chapter to get some ideas). This task you have to hand in.
  • post in your blog (free post; just remember what we have been saying about the quality of the posts)
  • organize the groups for the second part of the year (for the presentations we need 5 groups:4 groups of 3 students and 1 group of four; for the assessment project we discussed last class, I need 4 groups of 4 students each)
Well, for now..

Resultado de imagen para that's all folks