viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Yesterday's class


Yesterday we had a very short class because then there was a celebration for Teachers' Day...

We finished dealing with SLA and we started focusing on Learning Styles. Remember I gave you an activity to do on Cook's chapter 8.

Also, we organized the presentations... remember the dates are "likely dates"...

  • 1/10 Teaching Strategies and Vocabulary - Andrea (Oxford chapters 3 and 5, Cook chapter 3, Ur chapters 3 and 5)
  • 8/10 Mistakes and Feedback - Natalia (Brown chapter 8, Ur chapter 17)
  • 15/10 Teaching Receptive Skills - Sabrina (Cook chapter 7, Ur chapters 8 and 10)
  • 22/10 Teaching Productive Skills - Daiana (Cook, chaper 5, Ur chapters 9 and 11)
  • 29/10 Teaching Pronunciation - Marisol (Cook chapter 5)

  1. the presentations should be between 90 and 120 minutes long.
  2. you must use visual aids (usins TIC devices is highly recommended)
  3. you must present some theory and you must prepare practice for your classmates.
  4. you don't need to explain all the theory from the chapters mentioned above; your classmates also have the material, and they must read it.
  5. it's highly advisable to consult other sources
  6. make your class/presentation interesting, lively, entertaining and memorable... do not just read from your slides...
  7. let me know about any doubts you have... in advance!

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