viernes, 8 de abril de 2016


Hi there!!

Yesterday we had the first class of English and its teaching III this year... Welcome to the group!!

We spent most of the class doing a couple of getting to know one another.... It's been really great to meet you Mauro, Florencia, Marulina, Jésica, Nadia, and Cintia!!! And it's great to see you again Claudio, Cintia, Victoria, Eugenia, Paula and Mercedes!!!

Also, I explained the requirements to promote without a final exam (60%attendance or more, 7 or more in each instance of evaluation -tests, assignments, presentations, blog...- and to have passed  the finals of all the "English subjects" from 3rd by August).

For next class, you hav to get the material from Milgraff, and you have to read both the syllabus and chpater 3 by Yule about the properties of language.

Have an excellent weekend, and again...


(I wanted to insert a picture but blogger is not working properly right now, so I'll do that later)

2 comentarios:

  1. You forgot about me Sara... :(

  2. You are right! But it's just because I was planning to say something specific about you (since you are the only one who has already attended part of the subject) and then I got interrupetd and thus forgot... So sorry!!!
