domingo, 29 de abril de 2018


How are you, dears? Enjoying this long, rainy weekend? I hope so!!

Last Thursday we continued with our review of and reflection on different methods and styles.

For next class you should read chapters 1 and 2 on Task Based Language Teaching, by Nunan, and you should post two entries in your blogs: an introduction and a video or link about the Four Methods we mentioned last Thursday.

Also, please remember we are not meeting next Thursday, since I will be absent. We are meeting again on May 10th.

And please, contact me about any doubts you may have (just leave a comment in the blog and I will receive an email!).

Resultado de imagen para enjoy the long weekend

sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

Review of Methods and Approaches

Hi there!!

How are you?

First of all, a brief summary of what last class was about. We dealt mainly with a revision of methods you studied on previous years. We also talked about the blog you have to create and about preferneces for how to work in class.

For next class you have to read the chapter by Cook on Second Language Learning and Teaching Styles. You also have to finish the chart with weaknesses and strengths of different methods, to discuss in class (not to hand in). Finally, you have to create your blog. Here I leave you a tutorial to complement what Matías explained to you on Thursday:

Whatever doubts you may have, we'll devote some class time to clearing them next Thursday. So don't worry!

sábado, 14 de abril de 2018

2nd class

Hello, hello!!

How are you, my dear? I hope you are awesome!!

Last Thursday, apart from singing Happy Birthday to Hernán (I'm still not sure if he owes us a cake or we owe him...haha!), we discussed the concept of Language. It took longer than planned, but I think it was worth it because different concepts, ideas and doubts came up that deserved being attended to.

We worked partly in groups and partly with the class as a whole... I haven't asked you yet...what do you prefer? Individual work? Pair work? Group work? Class work? (please leave your comments below)

For homework you have to read the chapter by Yule on The Properties of Language and the syllabus, and you have to check Matías´ blog and the blog from my list The Wizarding World of English. In that way you can start thinking about what kind of space your blog will be...

Resultado de imagen para see you on thursday

sábado, 7 de abril de 2018

4th year 2018

Hi there!!

Welcome to this new space we will be sharing for the next eight months!!!

Last Thursday we had our first class, during which we discussed some general aspects of the subject and we spent some time getting to know one another. I really enjoyed getting to know a little about you... you certainly seem to be a very funny and generous group!!! :-)

Please try to get the material from Milgraff for next week. The only thing missing there are five chapters on CLIL form the book "Uncovering CLIL" (chapters 1 to 5), which Ms Dominguez told me she would be giving you....

Well... I'm really looking forward to sharing this year with you!!

Resultado de imagen para have a happy weekend