sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

Review of Methods and Approaches

Hi there!!

How are you?

First of all, a brief summary of what last class was about. We dealt mainly with a revision of methods you studied on previous years. We also talked about the blog you have to create and about preferneces for how to work in class.

For next class you have to read the chapter by Cook on Second Language Learning and Teaching Styles. You also have to finish the chart with weaknesses and strengths of different methods, to discuss in class (not to hand in). Finally, you have to create your blog. Here I leave you a tutorial to complement what Matías explained to you on Thursday:

Whatever doubts you may have, we'll devote some class time to clearing them next Thursday. So don't worry!

13 comentarios:

  1. Thanks miss! this is my blog's link. I haven't posted anything yet but I was able to create it.

  2. https://rominat93.blogspot.com.ar/?zx=8891c3f0b860d265

  3. Thanks Miss and i'm trying to do it.. Thanks for the tutorial. See you on Thursday

  4. Hi miss.. this is my blog. I haven't written anything yet.. sorry

  5. Hi Miss! This is the link for my blog. https://mybeautylife2015.blogspot.com.ar/

  6. Good Morning!
    Here is my blog´s link!
    See you this afternoon! =)


  7. Hello miss!! My blog is "Back in Blog Form" and the link is backinblogform1968

  8. Hello miss!! My blog is "Back in Blog Form" and the link is backinblogform1968

  9. Hi Miss! This is the link of my blog https://keepcalmanddrinkmate.blogspot.com.ar/ I posted again here just in case.

  10. Hello people! This is my blog... Take a look if you want! See you! https://sharingexperiences32.blogspot.com/

  11. Hi miss. I think I've solved the problem with my blog so here's the link again. I've just posted something. hope you can read it.
