viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Hi there!


Yesterday we had our term test.... or some of us did, since there were some complications... Natalia: I hope you get better soon! Hector: I'm happy for your you! Analía: don't worry, we'll find a way; after all, when there's a wish there's a way! I'll send you your home term test today. And Sabrina... we are worried about you... we haven't heard from you in several weeks!! Please get in touch with me!

As for those who took the test, I'll let you know as soon as I have the results!

Remember for next class (possibly on July 16th, since I'm likely to be absent on the 2nd and the 9th is a holiday) you have to read the two chapters in the bunch on First Language Acquisition: Baby born talking describes Heaven, by Steven Pinker (ch9) and General concepts of language acquisition, by Cook (ch3).

Well, we'll be in touch!!

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