jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

We learn...


Today we had our last class. Can you believe it??

 For me it was very important to get feedback from you. I thank you for your honesty... feedback from our students is key to continue improving our teaching practice! I really appreciate  the positive comments😊 and I can profit from your suggestions 👍.

I hope you have enjoyed our classes together and I hope that they have enriched you in some way.

I hope you feel the same way!!

My best wishes for you!!

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Last but one

Hi there!!

Today we had our last class but one... I know you are tired, so hang in there that we are almost ready!!!

Today Jéssica, Verónica, Cintia and Claudia delivered an outstanding presentation on how to teach vocabulary. They were very clear and dynamic, don't you think? Once again, we discovered how all the topics of our subject are interrelated.

Next week we'll meet again for our last class. I'll be signing cards and we'll be doing some rounding up activities, so don't be absent!

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016

Feedback from you

Hi there!

Some students asked me on Thursday to confirm what feedback they had sent me... so here I send you a summary of what each one has sent me:

  • Marina has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching receptive skills and teaching writing.
  • Victoria has not sent me any feedback yet
  • Eugenia has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching strategies and teaching writing
  • Jéssica has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching strategies and teaching receptive skills
  • Florencia has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching strategies and teaching writing
  • Cintia L. has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching recetive skills and teaching writing
  • Verónica hasn't sent me any feedback yet
  • Cintia M. has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching receptive skills and teaching writing
  • Héctor has sent me feedback on the presentation on teaching strategies
  • Johanna hasn't sent me any feedback yet
  • Jimena has sent me feedback on the presentation on teaching receptive skills
  • Paula has sent me feedback on the presentation on teaching strategies
  • Nadia hasn't sent me any feedback yet
  • Mercedes hasn't sent me any feedback yet
  • Mauro has sent me feedback on the presentation on teaching strategies
  • Claudia has sent me feedback on the presentations on teaching receptive skills and teaching writing
Well, I hope this summary helps you get organized with your homework :-) 

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Near the end...

Hello, my dear students!!

                        Only two more classes to go.... it's hard to believe, isn't it??!!

Well, yesterday Paula, Mercedes and Johanna delivered their presentation on Teaching Speaking and Pronunciation. It is a very interesting topic, which invites us to continue reading and searching the web for new ideas and engaging activities. Please remember to send me the feedback on this (and, depending on the case, previous) presentation.

We are meeting again in two weeks, for Verónica's, Cintia's, Jéssica's and Claudia's presentation. And then only one more time for signing cards, giving and receiving feedback and having some closure.

For now, ...

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Coming next...

Hi there!!

How are you? Relieved that the term test has come and gone? Eager to find out the result? I'll do my best to correct the tests before nest class.

Meanwhile, bear in mind the following dates:

  • 27/10 Presentation by Mercedes, Paula and Johana
  • 3/11 Fairy Tale Festival
  • 10/11 Presentation by Verónica, Claudia, Cintia and Jéssica (and make up, if needed)
  • 17/11 Last Class!!!
And now, start enjoying your weekend!!!

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Presentation on Teaching Writing

Hi there!!

How are you? Enjoying your long weekend? I hope so!!

Well.... catching up... last Thursday Héctor and Mauro delivered a very interesting presentation on how to teach writing. Afterwards, I shared with you some material on how to do process writing with young learners and on how to write organized paragraphs.

Most likely we are meeting again in two weeks for the term test... just remember to send me feedback on the three presentations we have had so far, Thanks!!

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Second presentation and other issues - IMPORTANT

Hi there!!

Today we had our second presentation. Eugenia, Florencia and Nadia presented "Teaching receptive skills; teaching listening and reading", which is a very interesting and important topic. Please remember to send me your feedback for the girls by mail.

Other news: I'll most likely be absent on Thursday 13th, which makes our next class the last class before the term test. Here are the topics that will be included:

  • Learning styles
  • Personality factors
  • Mistakes and feedback
  • Teaching strategies
  • Teaching receptive skills, teaching listening and reading
  • Teaching writing
Also, the dates of the remaining presentations would be:

6-10 (no changes here)
Teaching productive skills;
Teaching writing

Teaching speaking and
Teaching pronunciation
Teaching vocabulary
Cintia M.

Well, let me know if you have any doubts!

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Planning lessons


Yesterday we had our first spring class. We were supposed to have a presentation, but as it often happens in teaching (and not just in teaching) unexpected things came up...

So, we had a class on planning lessons and sequences of lessons. It was great to see that you know many things about it!! Still, I hope that you found yestersay's class enriching!

Next week we do have a presentation (God willing) on Teaching receptive skills (Cook chapter 7 and Ur chapters 8 and 10).

Also, please remember to send me your feedback on the presentation we had last class.... it is important that you do!!

Here I share with you the info on "Coping with difficult people" that we used as a grouping activity yesterday:

1.       The Sherman Tanks                        G. They are abusive, abrupt, intimidating,   
                       arrogant and impatient

2.       The Complainers                           F. These people grumble all the time but
   never try to do anything to solve the problems they complain about. They find fault with everything and always imply that “someone” is responsible.

3.       The Clams                                    D. They are silent and unresponsive. Just when you
need  an answer you get a few words, or just one  word – or a grant.

4.       The Super- Agreeables                 A. They always say nice things to your face even if
they do something different behind your back.  They are difficult people because they make you believe they agree with you even when they don’t. They need to be popular all the time.

5.       The Balloons                                C. They are phonies. They speak with great
Authority on subjects about which they know nothing.

6.       The Negativists                             E. They are always pessimistic about everything.
They are convinced that failure is inevitable and often manage to persuade those around them that this is true.

7.       The Indecisives                            B. These people do not just delay the decision

making process but avoid it altogether.

Finally, I know you are tired (we are already in the last days of September!!) but...

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016

Presentation and feedback

Hi there!!

The girls that delivered their presentation on Teaching Strategies are very generous and are sharing their presentation with us.... Thanks!!!

By the way, Marina, Cintia, Victoria and Jimena: I have shared a Google presentation with you.... please check it!!!

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

First presentation: teaching strategies

Hi everyone!

Yesterday we had our first group presentation. Marina, Cintia M., Victoria and Jimena presented "Teaching strategies" (both direct and indirect). They thoroughly went through all the strategies that Rebecca Oxford discusses in her book. They explained and exemplified.

Remember it is advisable to read the material on which your classmates are going to deliver a presentation. That way you can both participate and clear your doubts. (in this blog you have a chart with topics and dates)

Also remember that I need you to write some feedback on the girls' presentation and send it to me by mail. I will add your feedback (anonymously) to my feedback.

Well, that's all for now...

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Learner language, mistakes and feedback

Hello hello!!

Yesterday we started the class by sharing some ideas on Myers Briggs character type and motivation. Then you got into groups by picking cards of words associated to sources of errors. And then you worked in groups on a questionnaire on the two chapters you had to read. I went around the class checking to see if there were any doubts, and at the end of the class we rounded up some ideas on the topic.

I also finished delivering feedback on the presentations and on the blogs.

Next class we have the first presentation, on teaching strategies, so you should read Rebecca Oxford's chapters 3 and 5. And try to arrive on time to contribute to a proper organization of the class.

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2016


Hi again!!

I just wanted to remind you that you should....

  • check the presentations of the other groups and leave comments
  • keep posting new entries in your blogs (many of you have been a little bit lazy lately!)

Also, it is a good idea to keep checking your classmates' blogs. Some people are posting VERY interesting material!!

And, since we are talking about the blogs, remember that it is fine to post videos, phrases, links, etc, but it is far better if that goes together with some words from you, explaining the contents of what you are sharing or the reasons why you are sharing it. Merely pasting a few charts or pictures does not make good quality blogging, don't you think?

Finally, let me wish you ...

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Personality factors


Yesterday we dealt with Personality Factors: anxiety, inhibition, self esteem, extroversion, risk taking and empathy. The class was a little bit odd.... firstly, as several people arrrived late, we couldn't start the class in the most organized way; and secondly (and happily) it was a class full of giggles! Still, we could share ideas on the relevance of these personality factors in the learning process.

Next class we will start by briefly discussing the Myers-Briggs character type and motivation, which we did not have time to deal with yesterday, and then we will work on learner language, mistakes and feedback. You have to read two chapters: Brown chapter 8 "Cross linguistic influence and learner language" and Ur chapter 17 "Giving feedback".

Meanwhile, remember to keep working on your blogs!!

And now, yes....

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016

Presentations and others...

Hello there, my dear students!!!

I have spent the last few hours (on Saturday!!) correcting and posting your presentations.

On the one hand, I will give you feedback on Thursday (I've been making many notes!!!). On the other hand,

 I want you to read the presentations of the different groups and post comments with your feedback.... please, it is very important that you do this!!!

And for those of you who haven't read the entry on Learning Styles (which is below the presentations, please do.

Fifth and last presentation!!

A Fourth Presentation...!!

Third presentation on SLA... very complete!!

Second presentation on SLA

Sharing presentations.... Here's the first one!

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

Learning Styles

Why am I greeting you in these different ways? Can you connect it to the contents we discussed yesterday?....

Yes!!! Learning styles!!

Yesterday we discussed what learning styles are, why knowing about them is useful and important for teachers and how they can be classified and/or described.

For next class you have to think of an item to teach (it can be a grammatical item, or vocabulary, or functions.... whatever you want) and you have to think of how you could deal with in the classroom to make sure that you are catering for the needs and preferences of students with different learning styles.

Also, you have to read chapter 6 on Personality Factors. Please, please, please read it!!

One last thing....


viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

We're back!!

Hi there!

Yesterday we met again, after the winter break!

We finished dealing with SLA. First we went over the similarities and differences between FLA and SLA, and then you worked in groups writing True/False statements, which we later shared. Now you have to finish your presentations in Google docs (please, Hector and Mauro, share your presentation with me: I have not been able to see it yet!). Next Thursday is the deadline.

We also organised the presentations for you to deliver:

Likely date


Teaching strategies

Cintia L.


Teaching vocabulary

Cintia M.

Teaching receptive skills;
Teaching Reading and listening


Teaching productive skills;
Teaching writing


Teaching speaking and
Teaching pronunciation



  • Use visual aids (presentation in Powerpoint, Prezi, Google docs or others)
  • All members of the groups should have equal talking time
  • First read all the material. Then design and plan the presentation. Only then decide who says what. All the group members should be familiar with all the presentation, not just with a fragment.
  • The presentation should be between 1.40 and 2 hours long. Time will be taken into account for the score, so please, respect it!
  • Include some explanations, information and activities. Activities should be appropriate for the level of your classmates.
  • For the slides, respect the 7x7 rule. And remember that when you deliver the presentation you are not supposed to read from the slides.
  • You may include 1 or 2 videos.
Well, now....

martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

In two days...

Hi there!!

In two days we'll be meeting again!! After so long!!!

On Thursday we are going to finish our discussion on SLA, so make sure to have read Brown's chapter 10 and be ready to discuss it.

Also, we are going to organize the presentations you will have to deliver during this second part of the year. Try to get organized  in 5 groups (of 3 or 4 memebers each) in advance so we gain some time.

And one more thing: so far I have only been able to see (and edit) the presentations of two groups (Jéssica, Cintia M., Claudia and Verónica in one group and Johanna, Paula and Mercedes in the other). What about the rest??  Remember my gmail is sracker2000@gmail.com. I'll give you until Thursday 25th, but please make sure it is ready by then!!

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

Reminder and suggestions

Hi there!!

How are you?? How are you spending your winter break?? I hope you are doing GREAT!!!!

I'm bothering you just to remind you of the presentation you have to prepare in groups.... (for details, check previous entries).

And I wanted to make a few comments based on what I have been reading so far:

  • There are only two groups (six people all in all) who have shared their Google doc with me.... I don't know if this is just because you haven't shared with me or because you haven't started yet....If you haven't started, do not waste any more time... remember you need time for the process to be enriching.
  • Remember in google docs I have the possibility to see the records of activity, what each one has done. Everyone should participate fully in the making of the presentation.
  • And also, remember the....

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016


Hi everyone!!

I have been informed that today we will all participate in the celebrations of our Independence Day, and will therefore not have classes.

So, except for the students who have to sit for the make up next week, we won't meet again till after the winter break. Please check the blog for any news, comments, asssignments, etc

What I would like you to do during the winter break is to follow these steps:

  • get in groups of four or five
  • create a google doc (option: presentation) making sure that all the members of the group can edit the document
  • include me in the list of people who can edit the document
  • make a presentation on SLA. Make sure to discuss the factors that play a role in the process and also to compare it to FlA. Those are the minimum contents required. If you want to inlcude more contents, you can.
Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any doubts.

domingo, 3 de julio de 2016


Hello there!!

I'm sorry it has taken me longer than usual to write about our class... it was my daughter's birthday and I was very busy!!

Now that I can turn on my computer, let me tell you that last class we started dealing with Second Language Acquisition. What we have done so far is reflect on both the similarities and differences between First and Second Language Acquisition, and start a list of all the factors that play a role in the SLA process...

For next class you have to read chapter 10 by Brown, on Theories of SLA.

Also, remember to keep your blog updated. Since we are dealing with a crucial topic of our subject, you may want to post things related to the topic (videos, articles, news or even a personal reflection based primarily on your own experience).

Please remember that on Thursday 14th July we'll have the make up of the term test. So, those of you who do not need to sit for the make up should not attend the class that day. This means that next Thursday is our last class before the winter break... please do not miss it!!!

And now... I hope you enjoy this rainy day!!

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016


Hi there!!

First of all, I'd like to thank you for your good wishes!!!!

Second, my intention was to carry out a little reflection on the test scores in class today. But as teachers we very well know that very often things do not go according to our plans, right? So, next class I will provide some explanations about the corrections and the scores of the tests. There are people who are probably very happy with their results, but there are others who might be wondering... Let me just tell you, for the time being, that when I correct I am fully aware of how transcendental the score is for you. Therefore, I am extremely careful to be as fair as possible. I give a lot of thought to the whole correction process. I read, re read and re re read.

Finally, have a great weekend and start reading on Second Language Acquisition (there are two chapters)


Hi there!!!

I wanted to let you know that today I am not going... I'm really sorry, but I have an ear infection.

If you want you can send me an email to find out the score of your test. See you next week!!!

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

Enjoy the extra large weekend!!!

Hi there!!

This weekend I will give you no homework... you deserve a rest!!!

Just post in your blog your writings on Chomsky's theory (please take into account the corrections). And try to keep your blogs updates and active!!

Next class we'll be dealing with Second Language Acquisition. You don't need to read the material yet, but please take it to our next lesson.

And now I leave you alone so you can...

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Coming next... term test!!

Hi, dear 4th year students!!

How are you? I hope you are doing great despite the cold weather and the upcoming evaluations!

Yesterday we finished our work on FLA. We discussed the chapter we had discussed, related it to the material from the previous class and connected it to our own experiences and observations.

For the term test you must study: learning and teaching styles, TBLT (chapters 1, 2 and 3 only) and FLA.

Also, remember to keep your blogs up to date!!

And finally,

viernes, 3 de junio de 2016



Yesterday we had an intense class: we discussed Chomsky's theory of First Language Acquisition. I hope that by now UG, principles, parameters, generative grammar, core grammar and marked periphery are familiar terms.

For next class you should read the chapter by Pinker "Baby born talking describes heaven". Also, I would like you to write a couple of paragraphs reflecting on everything we discussed yesterday (Chomsky's Nativist Position).

Yesterday we decided on the date for the first term test... we voted on it!! The test will be in two weekts, on June 16th. All the topics studied so far will be included, with the exception of the definitions of language, teaching and learning.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016


Hello, hello!!!

Yesterday we finished dealing with TBLT. You worked in groups organized by colours, and had to focus on a chapter in particular to explain to your classmates.

Most of you handed in your homework (the final task with its leading steps).

For next class you have to read chapter 3, by Cook, on general principles of First Language Acquisition. Also, those of you who are behind with your homework should try to catch up.

I'll be checking your blogs during the weekend to correct the tasks you have posted.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

A task for your blogs...

Hi there!!

           I have finished correcting your charts with task+macrofunction+microfunction+grammar contents.... some of them are really good, whereas there are others that are a bit confusing. We'll look into them in more detail next class. Meanwhile, I want you to think of another task.... but this time I want you to try to incorporate some technology into it. Think of all the technology that surrounds us, that is part of the lives of our students, and try to make the task related to that in some way. Maybe the task can be to create a twitter account, or to carry out a chat in facebook or a hangout with gmail... (these are just some ideas; do not feel limited or restricted by them). So, think of a new task and make the chart with macrofunction, microfunction ang grammar contents and.... post it in your blog.

          Apart from that, I need you to start checking your classmates' blogs as well as mine. To the right, in "My list" you have all the links. It is not a bad idea to add to your blog your own list of favorites....

      Please, do not freak out!! Take your time and let me know if you come across any difficulties!


lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016


Hi there!!

I can see that most of you have created your blogs successfully. Congrats!! A few of you are adding to your blogs very often... well done!!! To the others, remember that sometimes I will give you a specific requirement on what to post, but at other times you are free to post whatever you choose. The only condition is to do so frequently!

Johana and Claudia.... I don't have the links to your blogs.... could you please post a comment under this entry with the website? Thanks!!

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Totally humble vs Mostly cat lovers


            Last Thursday we finished dealing with chapter 2 on TBLT, which contains very important information such as the seven principles of this approach; principles that should be taken into consideration even if you want to use a different approach.

            Afterwards, we played a competition with questions on chapter 3.... nobody had realized at the time that the questions were already in the blog (you have to check the different pages of the blog). We had fun and focused on the most important concepts of chapter 3 at the same time. Plus, I have to take something weet to share next class!

         We are meeting again in two weeks. Remember next Thursday there is a special activity at the Club Italiano related to the anniversary of the Institute.

        For next class you have to:

  • read chapters 5 and 6 on TBLT
  • prepare to hand in a final task with the 6 steps
  • keep your blogs updated. Remember you can publish pictures, videos, links, or anything you may want to share. After I have corrected your homework I will give you some specific task for you to post in your blogs.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Already in May!!

Hi there!!

Yesterday we met for another class. We started by finishing work on teaching styles. It was great to see that almost everyone did their homework!

Then you got in groups according to your ages and you worked on some activities on chapters 1 and 2 on Task Based Language Teaching. We managed to check the true/false activity on chapter 1, but we only had time to deal with the first question on chapter 2.

For next class you have to read chapter 3 on TBLT, you have to do the "reflect"task on page 31 (you have to think of a task and then think of its macrofunction, microfunction and grammar focus) and you have to create your blog (either individually on with a partner) and publish a "Welcome" entry. Then, post a comment in this blog sharing the website.

Also, bear in mind two dates: On May 19th there will be no classes at the Institute. Instead, we are invited to attend special activities to celebrate the Institute's Anniversary (please check  http://isfd55.bue.infd.edu.ar/sitio/index.cgi?wid_seccion=58). And, the date for the term test could be June 16th, or June 23rd... we'll confirm it in a couple of weeks.

Well...for now...

Take care and have a nice weekend!!

sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Latest class and ... creat your own blog

Hi there!!

How are you?! I hope you are enjoying your much deserved weekend!!

Last class we got in groups using some classic bands cards. In groups, you worked on a questionnaire on Second Language and Teaching Styles. At the end of the class we shared the results on the questionnaire, although we did not get to finish.

Next class, we'll finish checking the answers and we'll deal with chapters 1 and 2 on Task Based Language Teaching.

So, for homework, you have to read the above mentioned two chapters and you have to write a paragraph or two (to hand in) reflecting on the results you got in the quiz to find out about your teaching style. You should say what the result was, how you feel about it and what you think about it. Remember to try to shake off prejudices...

Also, here I share a tutorial on how to create your own blog with blogger. I picked this tutorial, but if you prefer to see one in Spanish there are plenty in YouTube. You should create your blog within the next ten days. Once you have created it, publish a comment sharing the https

Also, remember you can create your blog individually or with a partner.So that is a decision you should make very soon.

The only requirement to create a blog with blogger is to have a gmail account, so, if you don't have one yet, please create one.

If you have any doubts, publish a comment so I can help you.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016


Hi there!!

I want to let you know that tomorrow I will be absent because my daughter is sick.

Still, those of you who are doing the practice lessons with Ms Dominguez should meet her at Die Engel at 6 pm, as we had arranged. Those of you who are not doing the practice lessons this year can go if you want, but it is not obligatory.

Also, check the blog in the next few days because I will share instructions for your blogs...

Take care and see you soon!!!

sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Some information

Hi again!

Remember how last class we mentioned sociolinguistics and some of the topics it studies? In that context we mentioned some conditions that have been studied that should be respected for successful communication to occur.

Well, here is some more information on the topic, in case you find it interesting!


You can follow these links and/or do your own search...

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

April 14th

Hi there!!

Yesterday we had our second class. First we got into three groups (depending on birth date) and then we did a couple of activities with the purpose of defining language and its properties. We also very briefly discussed what teaching and learning are.

For next class you should think of a definition of teaching and learning. Also, you should read chapter 13 by Cook about teaching and learning styles.

Bear in mind that next Thursday we'll meet with Miss Dominguez at Die Engel , at 6pm to work both on the platform and the blog.

Oh! And...

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Now... yes! With a picture...


Hi there!!

Yesterday we had the first class of English and its teaching III this year... Welcome to the group!!

We spent most of the class doing a couple of getting to know one another.... It's been really great to meet you Mauro, Florencia, Marulina, Jésica, Nadia, and Cintia!!! And it's great to see you again Claudio, Cintia, Victoria, Eugenia, Paula and Mercedes!!!

Also, I explained the requirements to promote without a final exam (60%attendance or more, 7 or more in each instance of evaluation -tests, assignments, presentations, blog...- and to have passed  the finals of all the "English subjects" from 3rd by August).

For next class, you hav to get the material from Milgraff, and you have to read both the syllabus and chpater 3 by Yule about the properties of language.

Have an excellent weekend, and again...


(I wanted to insert a picture but blogger is not working properly right now, so I'll do that later)